Dutch Taxes and DutchTax Returns
Am I required to file my Tax return declaration in The Netherlands?
Every resident in the Netherlands over 18 years old who earns an income or has assets in the Netherlands is required to file an annual Dutch tax return after receiving a notification from the “Belastingdienst” (Dutch tax authorities). However, it can sometimes take a while (years) before you receive a notification from the Dutch tax authorities to file your Dutch tax declaration.
Sometimes it transpires that you no longer need to keep filing your tax declaration. If this is the case you will be notified by the tax authorities. Naturally, this doesn’t mean that it can’t still be beneficial for you to file your taxes anyway. If your financial situation changes, we recommend you check whether filing your taxes is still required and whether doing so could be beneficial for you.
You are always required to file your Dutch tax return if one of the following applies to you:
- You have received a notification from the tax authorities
- You have more than one job or employer during a year
- You own a private business or work as a freelancer
- You know you will have to pay taxes due to your financial situation
- You have received a preliminary tax refund in a particular year (monthly rebate for your mortgage payments)
- If your worldwide assets exceed the threshold for that particular year

The Dutch Tax Return Forms
The Dutch tax authorities require different forms for different personal financial situations.
This is by far the most common way to file your personal Dutch tax returns. Used for mortgage deduction, employment income and (worldwide) assets
This is not an official form but the term is used frequently in the Netherlands and it is therefore mentioned here. Essentially, it is the way to apply for a provisional tax refund based on deductible costs such as mortgage interest.
Tax & Service Solutions can file every tax declaration for you. Because Tax & Service Solutions files thousands of tax declarations every year, we are familiar with just about every situation an expat can face. You can file your tax declarations up to five years in retrospect. “Tax time” in the Netherlands is between 1stMarch and 1stMay annually. Even after you have received a final assessment, we are still able to apply for an official review of your declaration. If you have not received a notification then you may like to know whether you need to file a tax declaration. Our Dutch Tax Scan is a simple and easy way to help you answer that question. If you have your own business, or are planning to start a business, then our experts are here to help you with all the necessary tax and administration matters